Portugal Business News - PBNFeb 19Actualités PortugalLe Portugal investit 600 M dans des chaussures écologiquesActualités produits fabriqués au Portugal - Le secteur portugais de la chaussure investira 600 millions d’euros en chaussures écologiques.
Portugal Business News - PBNFeb 19Made-in-Portugal newsPortuguese footwear invests 600 M in eco-friendly shoesMade in Portugal news - The Portuguese footwear sector will invest 600 million euros by 2030 for the development of eco-friendly shoes.
Portugal Business News - PBNFeb 18, 2023Portugal News Investment of EUR 80 M in Portuguese BioShoes4AllAn investment of EUR 80 million in Portuguese BioShoes4All is spearheading the industry for a more sustainable bioeconomy.