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Pfizer AI Partner Search

Pfizer AI Partner Search -
Pfizer AI Partner Search - Portugal Business News

Pfizer is looking for partners with innovative projects that merge Health, AI and Technology. If you want to revolutionize the health sector, this is your opportunity to propose your project to the Pfizer Foundation.

Whether you are in field of Science or of Digital Technology, if you have innovative solutions to current health challenges, this is your opportunity to develop your business. Projects to be showcased include how to improve mental health using technology and Big Data through digital platforms. This comprises RRSS segmentation for data mining and how to develop a health system that is more environmentally sustainable through technological solutions.

Pfizer and TheCube have joined forces to boost innovation in the Healthcare sector through the new Innomakers Lab Hub. This is a Pfizer-driven project in Madrid for radical innovation in the health sector under the Acceleration Program that includes innovation sessions with experts. The Program will be accessible to the winners of the Innomakers4Health Initiative. The training will support how to define prototypes for data science and to develop a Minimum Viable Product (MPV) for use in the real-world.

TheCUBE, that is the ecosystem for innovative projects, is collaborating with Pfizer for developments in the health sector. The Pfizer motto is “Innovations that change the lives of patients.”

The event will include a surprise guest from the Martin Trust Center for MIT entrepreneurship. The Center has been collaborating with Pfizer through various personalities including Isa Watson, the founder of Squad, that helps people build their offline and IRL Community. Squad has been featured in TechCrunch, Forbes, Bloomberg, Crunchbase and is backed by Silicon Valley Venture Capital firms. Isa worked at Pfizer as a research chemist and clinical trial strategy analyst.

In the field of Big Data, MIT women entrepreneurs such as Jinane Abounadi, Executive Director of the MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund, have been inspired by Pfizer. In her opinion, she felt inspired when she heard that there was a woman scientist, Ozlem Tureci, behind the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine. She sees this as a potential for brilliant female students to make a significant impact in the future of Health science.

Innovation in the field of scientific research requires the use of technology. With this new objective, the Pfizer Foundation will position innovation at the center their action-plan, which is to contribute to building a system where merging scientific and technological innovation is the engine of advances in the health sector.

Pfizer is increasingly using AI for its drug-development process, such as its partnership with CytoReason to build a simulated model for the immune system to predict diseases. Another usage includes Controlant’s cloud capabilities to track vaccine components for the supply-chain in real-time.

Pfizer is now looking for partners to develop projects that merge science, technology and innovation for the benefit of the health and well-being of the population.



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