Portugal Business News is referenced in newspaper O Jornal Económico in an Opinion piece written by Sofia Vale, Economist, Professor at the ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon about Crystallizing Portugal’s Economy.
Click to see the O Jornal Económico article “Cristalizar a economia?” where the Portugal Business News report is referenced in the paragraph about “the sharp rise in house prices”
Source Portugal Business News article referenced in O Jornal Económico: “Portugal in Top 10 EU countries with highest rise in real estate prices”
About O Jornal Económico - O Jornal Económico is a Portuguese newspaper specializing in economics and finance, which began publication on September 16, 2016. It has a weekly printed edition, as well as a constantly updated online edition, which in July 2017 was the most visited economics website in Portugal, with 5.2 million visits.
About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are published or referenced on flagship industry websites, on Government trade and investment websites, in market reports prepared by the European Commission, on the websites of leading research companies such as Crunchbase, Dealroom and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, in specialized magazines and on multilingual news aggregators.
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