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- L’Alliance portugaise pour la durabilité de l’aviation décolle
L’Alliance portugaise pour la durabilité de l’aviation décolle - PBN Actualités Portugal – Le gouvernement portugais a formalisé l’Alliance pour la durabilité de l’aviation le 14 janvier et a lancé des appels d’offres pour la production de carburant durable pour l’aviation (SAF), suscitant un intérêt national et international. Avec un financement initial de 40 millions d’euros, provenant des recettes obtenues par le Fonds pour l’environnement grâce au système d’échange de quotas d’émission (ECCE) et à la taxe carbone, le Portugal entend mener dans le secteur des carburants durables mondialement. Suite à la résolution 147/2024 du Conseil des ministres du 28 octobre 2024, le Portugal a déjà établi la Feuille de route nationale pour la décarbonisation de l’aviation avec des dispositions pour la production de carburants d’aviation durables. L’Alliance pour la durabilité de l’aviation (ASA) du Portugal réunit un groupe de parties prenantes, dont la communauté scientifique, les compagnies aériennes et les sociétés d'énergie, ainsi que des instituts publics et privés, dans le but d’établir des mesures économiquement viables pour la décarbonisation du transport aérien. Dans le cadre de l’ASA, la Feuille de route nationale pour la décarbonisation de l’aviation (RONDA) a été créée afin de définir la stratégie du Portugal pour la durabilité du secteur de l’aviation. L’Alliance portugaise pour la durabilité de l’aviation décolle, puisqu’elle comprend déjà un certain nombre d’acteurs, non seulement du secteur de l’aviation mais aussi des associations, des universités, des entreprises actives dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement et le secteur des transports et de la logistique en général. Le 21 janvier 2025, Menzies Aviation, partenaire de service leader des aéroports et compagnies aériennes du monde entier, a rejoint l’Alliance pour la durabilité de l’aviation au Portugal, en déclarant : « Menzies s’engage à renforcer et à développer le marché de l’aviation au Portugal, de manière responsable et durable. Rejoindre l’Alliance du gouvernement portugais pour la durabilité de l’aviation renforce notre engagement à atteindre la neutralité carbone d’ici 2045 dans toute notre chaîne de valeur mondiale. En tant que plus grand transporteur de fret terrestre et aérien du Portugal, nous sommes déterminés à jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la décarbonisation du secteur aéronautique du pays et nous sommes fiers de rejoindre cette alliance », a déclaré Rui Gomes, vice-président de Menzies Aviation Portugal. Les autres membres de l’Alliance pour la durabilité de l’aviation au Portugal comprennent le monde universitaire, avec NOVA FCT qui a formalisé son intégration dans l’Alliance le 16 janvier 2025 ; ainsi que l’Université de Beira Interior (UBI) qui a également rejoint l’Alliance. La Force aérienne portugaise a signé le manifeste pour l’environnement dans le secteur de l’aviation le 14 janvier 2025 et le transporteur national TAP Air Portugal a intégré l’alliance pour la durabilité de l’aviation le 15 janvier 2025. Les principales associations qui ont adhéré à l’Alliance sont EPCOL, qui représente les fournisseurs d’énergie pour l’aviation, et NAV Portugal, qui représente les fournisseurs de services de navigation aérienne. Alors que l’Alliance pour la durabilité de l’aviation prend son envol, la décarbonisation du secteur de l’aviation au Portugal favorisera la durabilité environnementale tout en ciblant les objectifs définis dans la feuille de route du Portugal pour la neutralité carbone 2050, conformément aux objectifs de la Commission européenne de réduire les émissions du transport aérien qui représentent l’une des sources d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) qui enregistrent la croissance la plus rapide. Il convient de noter que le projet portugais Galileu Green H2 Valley , qui a remporté un prix à la réunion de la COP28, produira de l’hydrogène durable et des carburants d’aviation durables (eSAF) pour soutenir la décarbonisation des secteurs du ciment et de l’aviation. Lire aussi: Le Portugal lance un Marché volontaire du carbone
- Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance takes off
Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance takes off - Portugal Business News Portugal news – Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance was formalized by the Government on January 14th, and tenders were launched for the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), attracting both national and international interest. With initial funding amounting to 40 million euros, that comes from the revenues obtained by the Environmental Fund through the Emission Trading System (ECCE) and the carbon tax, Portugal aims to lead the SAF sector globally. Following the Council of Ministers Resolution 147/2024 of October 28th 2024, Portugal has already established the National Roadmap for the Decarbonization of Aviation with provisions for the production of sustainable aviation fuels. Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance (ASA) brings together a group of stakeholders, including the scientific community, airlines and fuel companies, as well as public and private institutes, with the aim of establishing economically viable measures for the decarbonization of air transport. Within the scope of ASA, the National Roadmap for the Decarbonization of Aviation (RONDA) was created to define Portugal’s strategy for the sustainability of the aviation sector. Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance is taking off rapidly as it already includes a number of stakeholders, not only from the aviation sector but also from associations, academia, companies operating in the supply chain and in the transport and logistics sector in general. On January 21, 2025, Menzies Aviation, the leading service partner to the world’s airports and airlines, has joined Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance, stating: “ Menzies is committed to strengthening and growing Portugal’s aviation market both responsibly and sustainably. Joining the Portuguese Government’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance reinforces our commitment to achieve net-zero by 2045 across our global value chain. As the largest ground and air cargo handler in Portugal, we are committed to playing a leading role in decarbonizing the country’s aviation sector and we’re proud to join this Alliance ,” stated Rui Gomes, Vice-President Menzies Aviation Portugal. Other members of Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance include academia, with NOVA FCT that formalized the integration in the Alliance on January 16th, 2025; as well as the University of Beira Interior (UBI) that also joined the Alliance. Portugal’s Air Force signed the manifesto for the environment in aviation on January 14th, 2025, and the national carrier TAP Air Portugal integrated the alliance for aviation sustainability on January 15, 2025. The main associations that joined the Alliance are EPCOL, that represents aviation energy suppliers, and NAV Portugal that represents air navigation service providers. While Portugal’s Aviation Sustainability Alliance takes off, the decarbonization of Portugal’s aviation sector will foster environmental sustainability while targeting the goals outlined in Portugal’s Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050, in line with the European Commission’s goals of reducing emissions from aviation since it represents one of the fastest-growing sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is to be noted the Portugal’s Galileu Green H2 Valley project , that won an award at the COP28 meeting, will produce sustainable hydrogen and sustainable aviation fuels (eSAF) to support decarbonizing the cement and aviation sectors. Read more: Portugal launches a Voluntary Carbon Market
- Top 15 most valuable companies in Europe in 2025
Top 15 most valuable companies in Europe in 2025 - Portugal Business News Europe News – The above image shows the Top 15 most valuable companies in Europe in 2025 by Market Capitalization on January 20, 2025, according to StockViz. In the Top 15 most valuable companies in Europe in 2025, there are three French companies out of which LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, Société Européenne ranks No1 Most Valuable Company in Europe with a Market Capitalization of USD 355.35 Billion on January 20, 2025. The Top 15 most valuable companies in Europe in 2025 also include 4 companies from the UK and 3 companies from Switzerland.
- Le Top 15 des entreprises les plus riches d’Europe en 2025
Le Top 15 des entreprises les plus riches d’Europe en 2025 - PBN Actualités Europe – Le diagramme montre le Top 15 des entreprises les plus riches d’Europe en 2025 par capitalisation boursière au 20 janvier 2025, selon StockViz. Dans le Top 15 des entreprises les plus riches d’Europe en 2025, il y a trois sociétés françaises dont LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, Société Européenne, qui est classée No 1 des entreprises les plus riches d’Europe avec une capitalisation boursière de 355,35 milliards de dollars au 20 janvier 2025. Les 15 entreprises les plus riches en Europe en 2025 comprennent également 4 entreprises du Royaume-Uni et 3 sociétés suisses.
- Which passport is the strongest in Europe in 2025?
Which passport is the strongest in Europe in 2025? - Portugal Business News Europe News – The above image shows the Top 15 most powerful passports in Europe in 2025, according to the Henley & Partners Global Passport Ranking 2025.
- Top 15 des passeports les plus puissants en Europe en 2025
Top 15 des passeports les plus puissants en Europe en 2025 - PBN Actualités Europe - L’image ci-dessus montre les 15 passeports les plus puissants en Europe en 2025, selon le classement de passeports 2025 de Henley & Partners.
- Unicorn Factory Lisboa lance des startups dont 40% des fondatrices sont des femmes
Unicorn Factory Lisboa lance des startups dont 40% des fondatrices sont des femmes - PBN Actualités Portugal - La Unicorn Factory de Lisbonne lance des startups dont 40% de fondatrices sont des femmes. Unicorn Factory Lisboa lance 50 startups qui mènent l’innovation dans le domaine du Big Data/Analytiques, AdTech/MarTech (Technologies de Marketing) & HealthTech. L’année 2025 est en passe de devenir une année d’égalité pour la diversité des genres dans le secteur technologique, avec 40 % des startups ayant des fondatrices. La Unicorn Factory du Portugal commence l’année 2025 avec 40% des startups dirigées par des fondateurs internationaux, opérant dans 34 pays et recueillant plus de 9 millions d’euros de capital. L’écosystème des startups du Portugal est devenu mondial, diversifié et innovant, pour que les idées audacieuses mènent aux prochaines étapes les plus innovantes au monde. Voici les prochaines startups les plus prometteuses de Unicorn Factory Lisboa au Portugal : 1 – 3 Dish, 2 - AB Corp, 3-Aidvize, 4- AmaRise, 5- AssetLink, 6- Bloom, 7 - , 8- ChatnGift, 9 - Class of Wonders, 10 - Comudel, 11- Curious Cotton, 12 - daGama, 13 - DAISEE, 14 - Davina Lab, 15 - DeepNeuronic, 16 - DocBay, 17 - DOJO AI, 18 - Dori Finance, 19 - Executive Career Coaching, 20 - Feather Media UG, 21 - FlowMaster, 22 - FREDGIL, 23 - , 24 - Greener Act, 25 - Gripwise Tech, 26 - Hands On, 27 - imaggine, 28 -LogisticsWMS, 29 - Make Better Teams, 30 - Match the Look, 31 - Matchlytics, 32 - Metablue Solution, 33 - Metasmile, 34 - MetricMosaic, 35 - MindMatch, 36 - MUSICAOLADO, 37 - Openi, 38 - PaxDefender, 39 - QUDO, 40 - Rede Rua, 41 - ROOTKey, 42 - Seaside Shade, 43 - Simplifyer, 44 - Snippets AI, 45 - Stacks, 46 - The After Cancer, 47 - Trybe, 48 - Unilinkr, 49 - Where is Kevin? 50 - Wonder DataLabs
- Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory is launching startups with 40% female founders
Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory is launching startups with 40% female founders - Portugal Business News Portugal news - Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory is launching startups with 40% female founders. Unicorn Factory Lisboa is launching 50 startups leading innovation in Big Data/Analytics, AdTech/MarTech (Marketing Technology) & HealthTech. The year 2025 is leading towards an equal footing for gender diversity in the tech sector with 40% of startups with female founders. Portugal’s Unicorn Factory is starting the year 2025 with 40% of startups being led by international founders with operations across 34 countries and over 9 million euros capital raised. Portugal’s startup ecosystem has become global, diverse, and innovative, with the expectation that bold ideas will lead to the world’s next most innovative scaleups. Here are Portugal’s Unicorn Factory Lisboa’s next most promising scaleups: 1 – 3 Dish, 2 - AB Corp, 3-Aidvize, 4- AmaRise, 5- AssetLink, 6- Bloom, 7 - , 8- ChatnGift, 9 - Class of Wonders, 10 - Comudel, 11- Curious Cotton, 12 - daGama, 13 - DAISEE, 14 - Davina Lab, 15 - DeepNeuronic, 16 - DocBay, 17 - DOJO AI, 18 - Dori Finance, 19 - Executive Career Coaching, 20 - Feather Media UG, 21 - FlowMaster, 22 - FREDGIL, 23 - , 24 - Greener Act, 25 - Gripwise Tech, 26 - Hands On, 27 - imaggine, 28 -LogisticsWMS, 29 - Make Better Teams, 30 - Match the Look, 31 - Matchlytics, 32 - Metablue Solution, 33 - Metasmile, 34 - MetricMosaic, 35 - MindMatch, 36 - MUSICAOLADO, 37 - Openi, 38 - PaxDefender, 39 - QUDO, 40 - Rede Rua, 41 - ROOTKey, 42 - Seaside Shade, 43 - Simplifyer, 44 - Snippets AI, 45 - Stacks, 46 - The After Cancer, 47 - Trybe, 48 - Unilinkr, 49 - Where is Kevin? 50 - Wonder DataLabs
- Portuguese fashion brand MARQUES ’ALMEIDA at the London Fashion Week 2025
Portuguese fashion brand MARQUES ’ALMEIDA at the London Fashion Week 2025 - Portugal Business News Portugal news - Portuguese fashion brand MARQUES ’ALMEIDA will be at the London Fashion Week 2025, on February 20-24. Portuguese fashion brand MARQUES ’ALMEIDA will showcase their summer collection at the London Fashion Week 2025. During the event the MARQUES ’ALMEIDA luxury fashion brand will present a film to launch the ‘M’AKERS’ PROJECT, that is a research and mentorship initiative created to empower creative communities and preserve ancestral knowledge. Its aim is to make sure artisanal techniques do not disappear with the passage of time and are instead celebrated and regenerated to extend their presence in our modern lives.
- ZOHO distingue agência LOBA como “Parceiro do Ano 2024”
Entre mais de duas dezenas de parceiros de toda a Europa, o prémio de “melhor do ano” foi atribuído aos lobáticos de Oliveira de Azeméis ZOHO distingue agência LOBA como “Parceiro do Ano 2024” - Portugal Business News Notícias Portugal- A agência de Business to Experience LOBA acaba de ser distinguida com o prémio “Parceiro do Ano 2024” para o mercado europeu, atribuído pela multinacional Zoho. Entre 25 premium partners europeus, critérios como a longevidade da parceria (17 anos) e o expertise/domínio de várias ferramentas aliada à qualidade do desenvolvimento técnico terão feito toda a diferença para o júri. Este prémio é, por isso, um reflexo da excelência e do espírito de equipa que move diariamente os lobáticos. Bruno Santos, Zoho Business Manager na LOBA, sublinha: "Este reconhecimento não é apenas uma conquista, é um incentivo para continuarmos a inovar e a expandir o nosso impacto no mercado global. O futuro é brilhante, e estamos prontos para mais conquistas, juntos." O anúncio do prémio foi feito durante o evento Global Partner Summit, em Chennai, onde o diretor de Zoho da LOBA marcou presença e apresentou um case study. A empresa Zoho fornece um dos ecossistemas de software mais completos do mercado. Conta com mais de 56 aplicações que cobrem praticamente todas as necessidades de qualquer empresa: desde a área comercial, passando pelo marketing e suporte, até à gestão de recursos humanos. Fundada em 1996 e com sede mundial em Chennai, Índia, é um principais players mundiais na área do SaaS - Software as a Service. No seu extenso portfólio contam-se clientes como a Amazon, Netflix ou o IKEA.
- Portuguese advertising agency expands by buying London agency
Portuguese advertising agency expands by buying London agency - Portugal Business News Portugal news - Portuguese advertising agency LOBA expands by buying London marketing agency We Accelerate Growth. Portuguese advertising agency LOBA achieves market penetration in the UK with the acquisition of marketing agency We Accelerate Growth, that is a Hubspot Top Digital Agency. The new agency will be called Accelerate by Loba and will integrate clients such as GSK, Quake, Philip Morris, AMC and Ocean Media Group. Internationalization has always been part of Loba’s strategic management vision and is the result of sustained and considered growth. The acquisition of the UK marketing agency makes it possible for LOBA to have a larger team with multidisciplinary skills to strengthen their presence on the UK market. #portugalnews #newsportugal #advertisingnewsportugal #marketingnewsportugal #advertisingagencyportugal #LOBA
- Portuguese Advertising Agency LOBA awarded Partner of the Year by Zoho software
Portuguese Advertising Agency LOBA awarded Partner of the Year by Zoho software - Portugal Business News Portugal news - Portuguese Advertising Agency LOBA awarded Partner of the Year by Zoho software that has over 100 million users worldwide for its sales and marketing, finance, and recruitment needs. Portuguese Advertising Agency LOBA was selected by multinational ZOHO as "Partner of the Year 2024" among more than two dozen partners from all over Europe. The "best of the year" award was attributed to the Lobáticos of Oliveira de Azeméis. The LOBA Business to Experience agency has just been distinguished with the award among 25 European premium partners, with criteria such as longevity of the partnership (17 years) as well as the expertise mastery of various tools allied to the quality of technical development. Bruno Santos, Zoho Business Manager at LOBA, underlines: "This recognition is not just one achievement, it is an incentive to continue to innovate and expand our impact on the global market. The future is bright, and we are ready for more achievements, together." The announcement of the award was made during the Global Partner Summit in Chennai, India, where the director of Zoho from LOBA was present and presented a case study. Software development company Zoho company provides one of the most complete software ecosystems on the market. Its extensive portfolio includes customers like Amazon, Netflix or IKEA. See more information about LOBA