Portugal Green Tourism news - Braga in Portugal just won the Global Green City Award 2023 during the Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards ceremony organized by the GFHS, the Global Forum on Human Settlements.
Here are the Top 2 Global Green Cities in 2023:
1- City of Dublin – Ireland
2- City of Braga – Portugal
In Europe, CiWoCo 1.0 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, also won the Global Human Settlements Award 2023 for Planning and Design.
The Portuguese city of Braga is one of the 2 Global Green Cities in 2023, together with Dublin. The award recognizes Braga’s comprehensive approach to sustainability, in sectors such as energy, public space policies, sustainable land use, water management, innovation strategy and protection of heritage.
Braga, that is located in northern Portugal, is in the heart of the Minho region that extends between the Douro River and the Minho River. It is a region where mountains and forests meet green valleys, and that encompasses the city of Braga with its rich cultural heritage. The Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte, that is classified as a National Monument, was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Braga in Portugal, that embraces environmental accountability and innovation, is a Global Green City that focuses on building a sustainable future for both its residents and international visitors alike.
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