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Best Value

Create your own newsroom online



Every month

Publish your own newsroom online on the Portugal Business News website - ideal for PR & marketing teams

Valid for 12 months
+ 7 day free trial

Publish your own Press Releases and breaking news directly

Free Trial for 7 days

Flat rate with no monthly limit on the number of articles

Monthly recurring payment for an annual subscription

Customer Relationship Management

Publish your own Press Release on the website

Include do-follow links to your website -only https accepted

Includes social sharing and likes tools

You can add an image and a video to your Press Release

Change colors, fonts, and styles to match your brand

Embed your RSS feed to your website for free using elfsight

Free cancellation

Create your own Newsroom online - Press Release Distribution Service

Self-publish your Press Releases

  • Portugal Business News
    Every month
    Valid for 12 months+ 7 day free trial

Self-Publish your news & press-releases directly on your own brand newsroom on the Portugal Business News website



1 - Grow your brand through PR and marketing online by publishing directly your own business news online in an authoritative high-level business news magazine.


You can publish your business news and Press Releases online under your business name, and under the “Latest News Portugal” category or under the “Latest News Europe” category, or you may request a specific category to suit your SEO marketing online. Your company's personal online newsroom will be on a page especially dedicated to your business news that will be branded with your logo and will contain a company description with do-follow links and social share buttons. Your PR & marketing teams will be able to manage the page directly to share all your news, images and videos anytime. 



2 - Publish your brand news directly in your own Online Newsroom on the Portugal Business News website, with images and videos as well as social sharing options.


Your PR and marketing teams can publish your latest news immediately online, whether it is a Press Release, job offers, a market report, an interview, employee stories, a corporate blog, your investment news, your financial reports, as well as your upcoming business events and exhibitions through brand journalism that provides personalized translation services from Portuguese, English and French into both English and French to target an international audience.



3 – Publish your news online for free for a 7-day trial period


During the free 7-day trial period, you may post as many articles you like as a Guest Writer where you will not be able to publish you posts before they are approved. This allows a Customer Relationship Management process where the customer starts a working relationship with the Portugal Business News online newsroom service, while we also have the capacity to check the quality of articles supplied to see if the material produced is in line with our high-quality business news content. After the trial period ends, you may freely cancel your subscription if you wish to do so, and we also reserve the right to cancel the subscription if the articles produced are not compliant with our editorial line.



4 – Self-publish all your news online at a Flat rate with no monthly limit on the number of articles with an annual subscription and a recurrent payment that is paid monthly


When the subscription starts, you will be upgraded to a Blog Writer where you will be able to publish your own posts directly and your PR and marketing team will be able to obtain a quick turnaround time. You will be able to grow your brand through journalistic marketing that includes images and videos, with do-follow links to your website (only https accepted).



Portugal Business News® is a reputable online Business News website and articles are referenced on major industry websites, on Government investment portals, as well as on the websites and reports published by leading research companies and organizations. 



Click for references About Portugal Business News® and see a few examples of how our keywords rank on a Google Search 

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