What are the Top 10 fastest AI supercomputers in Europe for quantum computing?

Portugal news - Does Portugal have an AI supercomputer? What are the Top 10 fastest AI supercomputers in Europe for quantum computing that are hosted under the EU High Performance Computing (HPC-JU) program?
What is an AI supercomputer?
AI supercomputers are required to run the next generation of AI algorithms and are measured in Floating-point Operations Per Second (FLOPS), while Petaflops (PFlop/s) are a measure of a computer's processing speed equal to a thousand trillion flops.
What is the fastest AI supercomputer in the world in 2023?
The fastest AI supercomputer in the world in 2023 is Frontier, that is located in the US, with 1,194.00 Rmax (PFlop/s) where an Rmax is the Maximal LINPACK performance achieved. The Frontier AI supercomputer has 1,679.82 Rpeak (PFlop/s) where Rpeak is the Theoretical peak performance, and it has 22,703 Power (kW) with 8,699,904 cores.
Does Portugal have an AI supercomputer?
Portugal has just launched its first AI supercomputer, Deucalion, that has a capacity of 10 Petaflops peak performance (10 million billion calculations per second) and 7,22 Petaflops Sustained performance.
Portugal’s AI supercomputer Deucalion, that is produced by Fujitsu Technology Solutions, is unique as it is the first Euro HPC supercomputer based on ARM processors, that are energy efficient.
Portugal’s AI supercomputer Deucalion, that was launched in September 2023 at a cost of 20 million Euros, has 2359 High-Speed ​​Interconnect cables and weighs 26 tons.
Is Portugal’s AI supercomputer Deucalion in the Top 500 list?
The Top 500 list of the fastest AI supercomputers in the world are ranked according to their LINPACK benchmark result measured in Petaflops.
Portugal’s AI supercomputer Deucalion, that was launched in September 2023 and that has a capacity of 10 Petaflops (10 million billion) calculations per second, will join the Top 500 list of the fastest AI supercomputers in the world.
Portugal’s AI supercomputer Deucalion, that was co-funded by the EU European High-Performance Computing (Euro HPC) with the objective of positioning Europe as a world leader in supercomputing, is installed at the University of Minho, in Guimarães that is located in northern Portugal.
These are the Top 10 fastest AI supercomputers in Europe for quantum computing under the EU Euro HPC-JU program
No 1 - LUMI in Finland
No 2 – LEONARDO in Italy
No 3 – Vega in Slovenia
No 4 – MeluXina in Luxembourg
No 5 – Discoverer in Bulgaria
No 6 - Karolina in Czechia
No 7 – MareNostrum5 in Spain
No 8 - Deucalion in Portugal
No 9 – JUPITER in Germany
No 10 - Daedalus in Greece
The No 1 AI supercomputer in Europe, LUMI, is produced by Hewlett Packard and has a capacity of 375 petaflops Sustained performance and 550 petaflops Peak performance. In the Top 500 ranking, the AI supercomputer LUMI is ranked No 1 in the EU and No 3 globally. In the Green 500 ranking, LUMI is ranked No 3 in the EU and No 7 globally.
Portugal’s AI supercomputer, Deucalion, will provide quantum computing power that will accelerate the analysis of large volumes of data using the latest AI algorithms, while also achieving high energy efficiency that will contribute to a future Green Europe. Portugal’s supercomputer Deucalion will operate using renewable energy sources, including solar and wind technologies as well as a combination that includes the use of storage systems.
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