About Portugal Business News - Articles are referenced on flagship industry websites and research companies including Satnews
About Portugal Business News - Articles by Portugal Business News are referenced on flagship industry websites including Satnews, on the Government of Portugal's investment portal AICEP Portugal Global, on the websites of leading research companies such as Crunchbase and Startup Genome, on Wikipedia, and on multilingual news aggregators.
Portugal Business News is referenced in Satnews in article “UK aims to join Atlantic Constellation with funding for a new EO smallsat” published on December 3, 2023.
Satnews is a leading provider of satellite news, events, publications, research and other satellite industry information in both commercial and military enterprises worldwide. Satnews is published by Satnews Publishers, originally named Design Publishers, and was founded in 1983.
The Satnews article “UK aims to join Atlantic Constellation with funding for a new EO smallsat” references an article by Portugal Business news in the Headline 2 segment about the Atlantic Constellation: “Recently, the United Kingdom (UK) announced that the nation is joining Portugal and Spain as a member of the Atlantic Constellation and is contributing a new pathfinder satellite designed and built by a UK-based company to add to the innovative Earth and coastal monitoring and data sharing network.”
#portugalnews #newsportugal #aboutportugalbusinessnews #aboutportugalbusinessesnews #referencesportugalbusinessnews #portugalbusinessnewsreviews #arearticlesbyportugalbusinessnewsauthoritative #portugalbusinessnewsonsatnews #AtlanticConstellation