Portugal is investing EUR 127 million in Cable Landing Stations and a mega Green Data Center for global telecommunications companies. The investment by START (Sines TransAtlantic Renewable & Technology campus) will be to develop 23 hectares in Portugal’s Sines port for an electric substation as well as 3 hectares for submarine Cable Landing Stations.
The substation will be to supply a mega Green Data Center with a capacity of 495 MW, that is an essential component of the Energia Sul renewable energy community. It will be developed by AICEP Global Parques and the Sines Tech innovation and data center hub.
The additional Cable Landing Stations (CLS) will be close to the existing stations and to the EllaLink cable that links Europe to South America. The new investment will increase four-fold the number of CLS in Portugal and Sines port will thus evolve to a Data Port.
These developments will not only ensure Portugal’s energy and digital transition but will also contribute to a more secure and sustainable Europe.
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