Portugal Renewable Energy news – Portugal is exporting its surplus Green Energy to Spain and is leading the Green Energy transition since 100% of the energy consumed was Green on October 27th to 28th and the surplus production is now exported full-time.
What country is leading the Green Energy transition?
Portugal is leading the Green Energy transition since October the 27th, 2023, when the country started exporting surplus energy full time to Spain.
What are Portugal’s energy sources in 2023?
Portugal’s Green Energy transition towards becoming a full-time exporter of Green Energy was made possible by a renewable energy mix of wind energy, solar energy, and hydropower. However full-time exports of Green Energy are made possible due to the availability of two natural gas combined cycle thermal plants that came into operation on October 27th, since this ensures that there is a reserve of energy to strike a balance between generation and consumption whenever necessary, including when they occasionally constitute a production solution at a lower price.
What percentage of Portugal’s energy is renewable?
Portugal just hit a new milestone with energy consumption being 100% renewable for over 24hrs between 10:30 pm on October 27th to 12:00 pm on the 28th, 2023. On October 27th, Portugal’s thermal plants were only operational between 4:00 pm and 10:30 pm, after which the consumption of electricity in Portugal came 100% from renewable energy, with the balance being exported to Spain.
Portugal’s green energy mix was produced by 97.6 GWh of wind energy, 6.6 GWh of solar energy and 68.3 GWh of hydropower, generating a total Green Energy consumption of 137.1 GWh as well as surplus Green Energy that was exported to Spain. Since the favorable wind and rain conditions were expected to continue, Portugal’s energy consumption was expected to be 100% from renewable energy sources on October 27th to 29th, 2023, with the surplus being exported to Spain.
Does Portugal export Green Energy?
Portugal and Spain mutually export Green Energy to each other in order to ensure that consumers from both countries have access to the cheapest energy on the Iberian electricity market at all hours of the day.
Portugal’s Green Energy transition is accelerating with the decarbonization of the economy now possible since the country shut down its coal plants in 2021 and has been investing heavily in infrastructure that enables the current sustainable levels of around 60 % of renewable energy in the electricity grid. Portugal’s national operator REN is working towards increasing this level in compliance with Portugal’s energy policy towards reaching its carbon neutrality goals.
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