Portugal news - Portugal ranks 5th country with the best unemployment benefits in the world. Here are the Top 10 countries with the best unemployment benefits in the world:
Portugal is one of the best countries in the world for the unemployed since it ranks 5th OECD country with the highest unemployment benefits. In Portugal, the unemployed receive 75% of their previous working income after being unemployed for one year, according to OECD data compiled by Visual Capitalist. The calculations refer to a single person without children whose previous work income was 67% of the average national wage.
Luxembourg has the best unemployment benefits in the world since unemployed workers can receive 87% of their previous employed income for up to a full year out of work. To receive unemployment benefits in Luxembourg, people need to be registered at the national employment agency and to be willing to work.
On the other end, the countries with the lowest unemployment benefits in the world are the U.S. and Hungary, where the unemployed only receive 9% of their previous income after a year out of work.
Top 10 countries with the best unemployment benefits in the world:

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