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What are the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Portugal?

What are the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Portugal?
What are the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Portugal? - Portugal Business News

Portugal news – What are the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Portugal?

The average salary earned by employees in Portugal is 1,294 euros gross before deductions, according to statistics database Pordata. But which jobs receive a wage that is above the national average?

No 1 - Management positions, including representatives of the legislative power and executive bodies, senior positions in Public Administration, company directors and managers – They earn on average 3,577 euros.

No 2 - Directors in administrative and commercial positions, including finance, human resources, sales and marketing, advertising, and public relations - They earn on average 3,091 euros.

No 3 - The best-paid economic sectors are electricity, gas and water - They earn an average salary of +1,672 euros above the national average.

No 4 - Directors in production and services sectors, including production in the agricultural, industrial, and construction sectors, as well as directors of purchases, distribution, transport, health services, bank branches, financial services, and insurance - They earn on average 2,826 euros.

No 5 - Representatives of the legislative and executive bodies – They earn +1,483 euros above the national average.

No 6 - Financial activities and insurance – They earn an average salary of +1,080 euros above the national average.

No 7 - Legal, social, sporting, and cultural services professionals, including professional athletes, referees, coaches, photographers and chefs - They earn on average 2,331 euros.

No 8 - Specialists in information and communication technologies - They earn on average 2,198 euros.

No 9 - Specialists in finance, accounting, management, public and commercial relations - They earn on average 2,111 euros.

No 10 - Specialists in the physical sciences, mathematics, engineering - They earn on average 2,019 euros.

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