Portugal news - Which regions in Portugal are the best for investing in real estate?
While real estate investments in Portugal are highly profitable, with average house prices rising by 5% for the 1st quarter of 2024 to reach 1,644 euros/m2, house prices have accelerated in 14 of Portugal’s 24 most populous municipalities.
Here are the most profitable real estate investments in Portugal:
1 - Funchal in Madeira Island
Funchal, that is the capital of Portugal's Madeira archipelago, is the most profitable real estate investment in Portugal, with house prices increasing by 17.6 percentage points.
2 - The municipality of Porto
Porto in northern Portugal is the second most profitable real estate investment in Portugal, with house prices increasing by 3.6 percentage points.
3 – Lisbon
Portugal’s capital Lisbon is the third most profitable real estate investment in Portugal, with house prices increasing by 0.5 percentage points.
House prices in the municipalities of Lisbon have reached 4,190 euros/m2, while house prices in Cascais have reached 3,881 euros/m2 and in Oeiras have reached 3,281 euros/m2.
Foreign buyers have a real impact on property prices in Portugal, with real estate prices in the Lisbon and in the Porto Metropolitan Areas reaching an average price that has increased by 82.3% and 47.5%, respectively compared to the price of transactions by Portuguese buyers.
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