Portugal real estate news - 19% of houses in Portugal sell within 1 week, 25% of houses sell within 1-3 months and 37% of houses sell within 3 months to 1 year. This is how long it takes to sell a house in Portugal by city and the ranking of districts in Portugal where houses sell the quickest.
Portugal’s real estate market is hot and house sales are now called Express house sales, according to a study by real-estate platform Idealista, that shows house sales data for the month of November.
How long does it take to sell a house in Portugal by city? Â Â

Houses in Portuguese cities shown in green sell within one week, those shown in dark grey sell with 2 weeks to 1 month, those shown in light grey sell within 1 - 3 months, those shown in yellow sell within 3 months to 1 year and those shown in red sell in over one year.
Where are the best places to invest in real estate in Portugal?
Here is the Top 10 ranking of districts in Portugal where houses sell the quickest:
1 – Porto in Portugal is the city with the hottest real estate market as 28% of houses there sell within one week.
2 – Évora in Portugal’s Alentejo region is the second city with the hottest real estate market as 26% of houses there sell within one week.
3 – São Miguel island is the third hottest real estate market as 22% of houses there sell within one week.
4 – Aveiro is the fourth hottest real estate market as 21% of houses there sell within one week.
5 – Madeira island is the fifth hottest real estate market as 19% of houses there sell within one week.
6 – Braga in northern Portugal is the sixth hottest real estate market as 17% of houses there sell within one week.
7 – Lisbon in Portugal is the seventh hottest real estate market as 17% of houses there sell within one week.
8 – Bragança in northern Portugal is the eighth hottest real estate market as 16% of houses there sell within one week.
9 – Coimbra in Central Portugal is the ninth hottest real estate market as 15% of houses there sell within one week.
10 – Faro in the Algarve is the tenth hottest real estate market as 14% of houses there sell within one week.
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