Here are the EV incentives in Portugal:

Portugal news – The Government of Portugal has just announced an EV support of 4,000 euros for the purchase of a light electric passenger vehicle of up to 38,500 euros, with the obligation to scrap the current one.
What are the EV incentives in Portugal?
Portugal has just announced a Green Mobility Package, to improve the mobility of passengers and goods. Portugal has a total support of 20 million euros for the acquisition EVs and zero-emission vehicles, which can be light passenger vehicles, electric and conventional bicycles, motorcycles and mobility devices, as well as electric vehicle chargers.
How to obtain Portugal’s 4000 euros EV support for buying an electric car?
The Government of Portugal provides a support of 4,000 euros for the purchase of an EV, that is a light electric passenger vehicle of up to 38,500 euros, with the obligation to scrap the current one. To benefit from this incentive, it is necessary to deliver an internal combustion vehicle for scrapping that is at least 10 years old.
Portugal’s contribution of 4,000 euros per EV for a value of up to 38,500 euros, is increased to 5,000 euros per vehicle if it is intended for use by private social solidarity institutions (IPSS). Portugal’s EV incentive is provided with the condition that the beneficiary scraps his current light passenger vehicle.
Here is the link to Portugal’s Government page to apply for the EV support of 4,000 euros for the purchase of a light electric passenger vehicle.
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