Portugal news - Lisbon just launched a renewable energy community managed by AI in Sintra.
Sintra’s iconic Tabaqueira neighborhood is a fully functional renewable energy community, having saved the emission of 16 tons of carbon dioxide through an integrated AI cloud-based platform that manages all of the community's energy.
A SmartCity platform was also implemented to analyze all the verticals of Sintra’s Living Laboratory and collects indicators of the various actions taking place in the neighborhood, namely: circular economy and environment, sustainable urban mobility, energy and buildings and community, art and culture.
In the area of c​ommunity, art and culture, zet gallery and dstgroup have implemented an innovative program of artistic residences with the aim of rehabilitating the historic Tabaqueira neighborhood for the construction of a sustainable future. This resulted in murals portraying residents and photographic archives, while the community was embellished with artisanal irrigation systems together with the rehabilitation of flowerbeds and of the fountain.
The Tabaqueira smart community is a wonderful blend of artistic inspiration by artist Bruno Teixeira, with the rehabilitation of historic buildings made sustainable for future generations through the renewable energy community project.
Lisbon’s successful completion of the Living Laboratory for Decarbonization and Climate Change Mitigation project includes a solar production plant, and a waste management app that promotes more sustainable communities through the adoption of habits for a conscious life. By adopting a sustainable lifestyle, users can earn ClimaS, that is a climate currency that can be exchanged for discount vouchers and promote the planting of trees in Sintra.
The coat of arms of the reinvented Tabaqueira District is the community’s projection of the future: an environmentally friendly neighborhood, with bicycles as the main means of transport and a special focus on the circular economy.
The Sintra Motion and Innovation for Low Emissions (SMILE) smart community project was designed and implemented by the dstgroup, in a consortium comprising the Aga Khan Foundation, Sintra City Council, IrRADIARE, Card4B, Watt Is, the University of Lisbon and International Development Norway.
Tabaqueira in Sintra is a living laboratory for future communities and its successful implementation can be replicated both at national and at international levels. Â Â
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