Portugal tech news - Portugal is launching an AI Hub in Lisbon where the future of Artificial Intelligence will be created.
Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory is creating an AI Hub in Lisbon that will be an accelerator for AI startups, in partnership with major international tech players such as Microsoft, Accenture and Avanade.  Â
The dynamism and execution capacity of Portugal’s Unicorn Factory have turned the project into a pillar of Lisbon’s economic strategy, according to Carlos Moedas, the Mayor of Lisbon.
Portugal’s Unicorn Factory is spearheading the tech revolution and the results obtained in just two years are already making headlines since they led to Lisbon being awarded the distinction of European Innovation Capital by the European Commission.
With Lisbon currently among the most competitive cities in Europe, its Unicorn Factory has attracted 54 innovative tech companies from 23 countries. According to Lisbon’s Mayor, the Unicorn Factory has already tripled the number of incubated startups, with 60% of incubated companies being foreign investments.
Lisbon’s tech startups scene is becoming highly developed since its new tech innovation center is only one part of Portugal’s overall tech strategy, that is to foster specialized hubs for specific industries. In addition to a new AI Hub, Lisbon’s specialized tech hubs also include a Gaming Hub, and a new Wellness Tech Hub in collaboration with the higher tech institute Instituto Superior Técnico.
Lisbon is now developing an AI Hub to attract cutting-edge tech startups from all over the world that will lead to the development of the most disruptive technologies of the future. The AI Hub is part of a network of other major AI centres that are being developed in Lisbon, such as the Deloitte Tech Campus which will have the capacity to accommodate 2,500 people and that represents an investment of 25 million euros, according to Lisbon’s Mayor.
With the success of Lisbon’s new tech hubs, foreign investment in technology will lead to the creation of over 10,000 highly qualified jobs, with above-average salaries that will also retain domestic talent. The future of the most innovative city in Europe is through the building blocks of highly specialized tech hubs and Lisbon’s AI Hub is poised to becoming a major pillar of economic growth.  Â
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