Portugal news - Portuguese MobyFly hydrofoil boat will be unveiled today in the Douro River.
Portuguese MobyFly hydrofoil zero-emission boat promises to change waterborne travel forever. By leveraging advanced hydrofoil technology, MobyFly boats are capable of transporting hundreds of passengers safely and comfortably at speeds over 70km/h while using 95% less energy than existing diesel ferries.
While the high-tech boat, that is made in Portugal, cruises without making waves or causing any pollution, it promises to create waves in the shipping industry, since it is a sustainable and significantly more cost-efficient mass transport solution.
The MBFY10 sustainable boat is the result of almost two years of research and development in partnership with INESC TEC (Portuguese Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science), for the Promoter Catana Group Portugal and Corvus Norway AS, within the scope of the European FLYPASS Project.
The FLYPASS project for the development of a Foil boat made in Portugal that uses clean energy for passenger transportation received an EEA Grant of 836.289,00 euros under the Blue Growth program.
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