Qantara Capital is investing EUR 500 million in a logistics park in Grândola that is in the Setúbal district in southern Portugal. Qantara Capital will develop the Grândola Logistics Park - Euro Atlantic (GLPEA).
The park that will be developed on 130 hectares in Grândola is a project of Potential National Importance (PIN). Construction works will start this year and the park will be operational in 2024.
The Swiss company will develop one of the largest private logistics platform in Portugal and Grândola is expected to become a hub for the Europe-Atlantic supply chain. The park will comprise a cold storage and an e-commerce warehouse, with operations in the logistics, industrial and services sectors.
The logistics park will be one of the greenest in Europe with 330.000 square metres dedicated to green areas.
The GLPEA logistics park is well located with links to the northern and southern regions of Portugal and a direct rail link to the southern international corridor that is connected to the international port of Sines and to Spain. There will also be a private railway station that will be intermodal and that will be a gateway to Europe and to the Atlantic.