Portugal luxury brands news – What are the Top 5 countries that search the most for luxury handbag brands?
1 – Luxembourg
Citizens of Luxembourg are the most avid shoppers of luxury handbag brands according to a new study by Watch Pilot that analyzed Google search data.
Luxembourg tops the list of countries that search the most for designer handbags, with over 75,500 searches per 100,000 people and a total of almost 495,000 searches.
The favorite luxury handbag brand of shoppers from Luxembourg is Louis Vuitton, that led to over 117,000 searches. This is more than double the number of searches for Massimo Dutti, which is second favorite luxury handbag brand in Luxembourg with 52,600 Google searches.
2 – France
The favorite luxury handbag brand of French shoppers is Louis Vuitton, that led to over 66,658 searches per 100,000 people and a total of 43.1 million searches.
3 – Australia
The favorite luxury handbag brand of Australians is Louis Vuitton, that led to over 65,530 searches per 100,000 people and a total of 17.3 million searches.
4 – Switzerland
The favorite luxury handbag brand of the Swiss is Louis Vuitton that led to 1.2 million Google searches.
5 – Portugal
Portugal is ranked 5th country in the world that searches the most for luxury handbag brands.
The favorite luxury handbag brand of the Portuguese is Massimo Dutti that led to 2.5 million Google searches.
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