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What are the Top 7 best electric cars in Portugal in 2023?

What are the Top 7 best electric cars in Portugal in 2023? portugal news
What are the Top 7 best electric cars in Portugal in 2023? - Portugal Business News

Portugal news - What are Top 7 best electric cars in Portugal in 2023? These are the market trends for the top 7 electric vehicles (EVs) sold in Portugal in 2023 showing the rising stars.

Automotive sales on the Portuguese market are now driven by electric vehicles since the market share for EVs in Portugal has just reached 33% of sales since the month of August 2023. This means that 1 out of 3 passenger vehicles sold in Portugal are now electric. There is a 160% growth in EV sales in Portugal for the month of August 2023 and these now sell twice as much as diesel ones.

EV sales in Portugal in 2023 - Portugal news
EV sales in Portugal in 2023 - Portugal Business News

There were 36,380 electric vehicles (EVs) sold in Portugal for the period from January to July 2023, while the total number sold for the year 2022 was 36,258 for both Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV).

For 100% electric vehicles, 21,684 vehicles were sold in Portugal from January to July 2023, while the total number sold for the year 2022 was 20,230.

These are the Top 7 best electric cars in Portugal in 2023 and the market trends showing the rising stars:

Top EV brands in Portugal in 2023 - Portugal news
Top EV brands in Portugal in 2023 - Portugal Business News

No 1 – BMW

The BMW brand ranks 1st in EV sales, for both BEV + PHEV categories, for the period January to July 2023 with a total of 4,607 vehicles.

For the 100% electric passenger vehicles, BMW ranks 3rd best-selling brand.

For plug-in hybrid vehicles, BMW is the no. 1 brand.

For all categories including non-electric vehicles for the year 2023, BMW ranked 5th with 9,116 units sold. However, BMW moved to the 4th position in August 2023, with 1,001 units registered.

No 2 – Tesla – The Tesla brand ranks 2nd in EV sales, for both BEV + PHEV categories, for the period January to July 2023 with a total of 4,604 vehicles sold even though Tesla is a brand that sells exclusively 100% electric vehicles.

For the 100% electric passenger vehicles category, Tesla is the no. 1 best-seller with 496 vehicles sold in July. However, the month of August shows sales of Tesla vehicles skyrocketing with 1,167 cars registered and the brand now ranks 2nd for all categories.

Tesla is a rising star on the Portuguese EV market. The exponential market growth of the Tesla brand in Portugal shows that its market share is now increasing more rapidly than that of traditional best-sellers.

The Tesla Model 3, that has an autonomy of 629 km and that is available in two new colors, Stealth Gray and Ultra Red, is sold at 42,990 Euros in Portugal for the basic model.

No 3 – Mercedes-Benz – The Mercedes-Benz brand ranks 3rd in EV sales, for both BEV + PHEV categories, for the period January to July 2023 with a total of 3,992 vehicles.

For all categories, Mercedes-Benz sold 9,174 vehicles from January to August 2023, and ranks 4th best-selling brand. However, the Mercedes-Benz moved to the 3rd position in August 2023 with 1,086 vehicles sold.

No 4 – Peugeot – The Peugeot brand ranks 4th in EV sales, for both BEV + PHEV categories, for the period January to July 2023 with a total of 2,935 vehicles.

However, for the 100% electric passenger vehicles, Peugeot ranked 2nd best-selling brand.

For all categories including non-electric vehicles, Peugeot is the undisputed market leader in Portugal for the period January to August 2023 with 15,865 vehicles sold and the trend is that the brand will remain at the top since it also ranks 4th for sales in the EV market segment.

No 5 – Volvo – The Volvo brand ranks 5th in EV sales, for both BEV + PHEV categories, for the period January to July 2023 with a total of 2,460 vehicles.

For the plug-in hybrid vehicles category, Volvo ranks 3rd.

Volvo, that does not make it to the Top 10 car sales for all categories including non-electric vehicles in Portugal, is now a rising star making it to the No 5 of EV sales in 2023.

No 6 – Volkswagen – The Volkswagen brand ranks 6th in EV sales, for the period January to July 2023 with a total of 1,557 vehicles.

For the 100% Electric passenger vehicles, Volkswagen ranks 4th.

For all categories including non-electric vehicles, sales of the Volkswagen brand for the period from January to August 2023 total 8,762 units.

No 7 – Audi – The Audi brand ranks 7th in EV sales, for only the Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) category, for the period January to July 2023.

What are the market trends for automotive sales in Portugal in 2023:

Renault that ranks no. 2 brand for cumulative sales of all categories including non-electric vehicles from January to August 2023 with 11,098 units sold has now moved to rank 7th in August 2023 with 696 units registered.

Dacia – that ranks the no. 3 brand for cumulative sales of all categories including non-electric vehicles from January to August 2023 with 9,640 vehicles sold has now moved to rank 5th in August 2023 with 968 vehicles sold.

Toyota – that ranks the no. 7 brand for cumulative sales of all categories including non-electric vehicles from January to August 2023 with 7,366 vehicles sold has moved to rank 8th in August 2023 with 639 units sold.

This analysis of market trends for automotive sales in Portugal in 2023 shows that consumers now prefer 100% electric vehicles over plug-in hybrid vehicles. More importantly, it shows that the trend shows that 100% electric vehicles are becoming a best-seller in Portugal for passenger vehicles since 1 out of 3 passenger vehicles sold in Portugal are now electric and 1 out of 6 vehicles sold are now 100% electric. This also show that brands that are best-sellers for non-electric vehicles in Portugal are now losing market share and that the trend is now pushing brands that are best-sellers on the EV market towards the top for all categories, as it is the case for Tesla.

Portugal, that is leading in the renewable energy sector, is a country where sales of electric vehicles are now trending, thus paving the way for a carbon-free future.

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