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Portugal ranks 7th country by receipts from football transfer fees

Portugal ranks 7th country by receipts from football transfer fees - portugal news
Portugal ranks 7th country by receipts from football transfer fees - Portugal Business News

Portugal news - Portugal ranks 7th country by receipts from football transfer fees, according to the FIFA Global Transfer Report 2023. Above is the ranking of Top 10 countries by receipts from football transfer fees in 2023.


While Portugal is the 4th seller in the football transfer market with 731 transfers out, the country ranks 7th with the highest receipts, with USD 522.3 million.


In terms of spending for football transfer fees, Portugal spent USD 269.3 million for 1,017 transfers in. While Portugal is the country with the highest number of transfers in, the country only ranks 8th in terms of spending.  


For the second year in a row, Portuguese clubs led the way for incoming transfers, with a total of 1,017 such transfers. Clubs from Brazil released the highest number of players, with a total of 1,217 outgoing transfers. In fact, the number one transfer stream in 2023 was for players moving from Brazil to Portugal with 414 transfers.   



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