Portugal news - Portugal ranks 7th in the Global Peace Index 2024, according to Vision of Humanity. Find out what are the Top 10 Most Peaceful Countries in the World in 2024:
Europe remains the most peaceful region in the world, although it recorded a slight deterioration in peacefulness, and Iceland maintains the title of number 1 most peaceful country in the world since the first the Global Peace Index was launched 13 years ago. It is to be noted that the global economic impact of violence was $14.5 trillion PPP in 2019, equivalent to 10.6 per cent of global GDP or $1,909 per person.

Here are the Top 10 Most Peaceful Countries in the World:
1 – Iceland
2 – Ireland
3 – Austria
4 - New Zealand
5 - Singapore
6 – Switzerland
7 – Portugal 🇵🇹
8 – Denmark
9 – Slovenia
10 - Malaysia
#portugalnews #newsportugal #GlobalPeaceIndex2024 #VisionofHumanity #Top10MostPeacefulCountriesintheWorld #portugalisoneofthemostpeacefulcountries #Portugalranks7thintheGlobalPeaceIndex2024