Portugal News - Portugal’s Unicorn Factory officially launches its Green Hub on October 29th, 2024.
The Unicorn Factory Lisboa official launch of its Green Hub is under the trademark name “greenhub” with the slogan “Innovation for a Sustainable Future”. “greenhub” by Unicorn Factory Lisboa is a new verticalized hub located in Entrecampos in Lisbon and focuses on sustainable, circular and regenerative solutions, while building a community prioritizing green practices.
Greentech startups now have the opportunity to join this innovative hub and aim to become the unicorns of tomorrow. Partners of the green hub include prominent organizations such as Brisa Group, Mota-Engil Renewing, Critical Software, Cleantech for Iberia and the Municipality of Lisbon.
Committed to the green transition, Lisbon’s Unicorn Factory is enhancing it role in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship within the startup ecosystem. The new hub aims to nurture scaleups and support the emergence of Portugal’s future unicorns, driving economic growth and innovation, while attracting talent and investment.
The establishment of the Greentech startup hub further solidifies Unicorn Factory Lisboa's reputation as a center for specialized technology startups. In addition to the greenhub, they have also recently launched a Gaming Hub, an AI Hub, a Creative Hub, and a Web3 Hub, each focusing on distinct tech sectors in Portugal.Web3 Hub.
Here is the list of Portugal’s innovative tech sectors that have evolved to become specialized thematic hubs.
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